Apache And MySQL Monitoring With Bijk On Debian Lenny  

Posted by Daniela Mehler

Howtoforge posted a tutorial about monitoring Apache and MySQL with Bijk on Debian Lenny

This tutorial describes how you can monitor your server with the tool Bijk. Bijk creates online 30 graphs about load, CPU, memory, traffic, Apache, NginX, PostreSQL and others with alerts. Bijk can be used on Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat and Gentoo. In this article I will explain how to install Bijk on Debian.

Apache And MySQL Monitoring With Bijk On Debian Lenny

Apache And MySQL Monitoring With Bijk On Debian Lenny

Eminem reveals artwork for new albumDSA-2046-1: New phpgroupware packages fix several vulnerabilities

How To Integrate ClamAV Into PureFTPd For Virus Scanning On Mandriva 2010.0  

Posted by Daniela Mehler

Howtoforge published a tutorial about integrating ClamAV into PureFTPd for virus scanning on Mandriva 2010.0

This tutorial explains how you can integrate ClamAV into PureFTPd for virus scanning on a Mandriva 2010.0 system. In the end, whenever a file gets uploaded through PureFTPd, ClamAV will check the file and delete it if it is malware.

How To Integrate ClamAV Into PureFTPd For Virus Scanning On Mandriva 2010.0

How To Integrate ClamAV Into PureFTPd For Virus Scanning On Mandriva 2010.0

Eminem reveals artwork for new albumCompatDB Updates 06/27/10

Fedora 11 End of Life  

Posted by Daniela Mehler

Fedora 11 has reached its end of life for updates

This announcement is a reminder that as of 2010-06-25, Fedora 11 has
reached its end of life for updates. As planned, last update pushes
to Fedora 11 were made in advance[1] of this date. No further
updates, including security updates, will be available for Fedora 11.

Fedora 12 will continue to receive updates until approximately one
month after the release of Fedora 14. The maintenance schedule of
Fedora releases is documented on the Fedora Project wiki.[2]

* * *
[1] http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2010-June/137849.html
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Release_Life_Cycle#Maintenance_Schedule

CentOS-5.5 i386 and x86_64 releasedGwyneth Paltrow started mixing cocktails when she was just six

Use Ctrl+Alt+Del for Task Manager in Linux to Kill Tasks Easily  

Posted by Daniela Mehler

Howtogeek posted a guide about enabling Ctrl+Alt+Del for Task Manager in Linux

In Windows you can easily kill any task by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del and bringing up the task manager. Linux running the GNOME desktop environment (i.e. Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.) has a similar tool that can be enabled to run exactly the same way.
Setting up global key bindings

The GNOME desktop environment by default uses the Ctrl+Alt+Del shortcut to bring up the shutdown, logout, restart, and hibernate dialog. This is not useful for users who are used to quick access to a task manager.

To change the settings of Ctrl+Alt+Del in GNOME open the keyboard shortcuts preferences. In Ubuntu it is located under System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts, and in Linux Mint open the mintMenu -> Control Center -> Keyboard Shortcuts.

Use Ctrl+Alt+Del for Task Manager in Linux to Kill Tasks Easily

Use Ctrl+Alt+Del for Task Manager in Linux to Kill Tasks Easily

CentOS / Redhat Linux: Install OpenNTPD To Synchronize The Local ClockU2 rift as Adam Clayton sues financial manager

Debian GNU/Linux 5.0r5 released  

Posted by Daniela Mehler

The fifth update of Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 has been released

The Debian Project http://www.debian.org/
Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 updated press@debian.org
June 26th, 2010 http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100626

Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 updated

The Debian project is pleased to announce the fifth update of its stable distribution Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 (codename "lenny"). This update mainly adds corrections for security problems to the stable release, along with a few adjustment to serious problems.

Please note that this update does not constitute a new version of Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 but only updates some of the packages included. There is no need to throw away 5.0 CDs or DVDs but only to update via an up-to- date Debian mirror after an installation, to cause any out of date packages to be updated.

Those who frequently install updates from security.debian.org won't have to update many packages and most updates from security.debian.org are included in this update.

New CD and DVD images containing updated packages and the regular installation media accompanied with the package archive respectively will be available soon at the regular locations.

Upgrading to this revision online is usually done by pointing the aptitude (or apt) package tool (see the sources.list(5) manual page) to one of Debian's many FTP or HTTP mirrors. A comprehensive list of mirrors is available at:


Miscellaneous Bugfixes

This stable update adds a few important corrections to the following packages:

Package Reason

alien-arena Fix a buffer overflow and a denial of service
apache2 Add missing psmisc dependency; fix memory leak in brigade cleanup
apache2-mpm-itk Ensure child processes get correctly reaped on reload
apr Set FD_CLOEXEC on file descriptors to avoid potential leaks
apt Allow Files sections to contain more than 999 characters
base-files Update /etc/debian_version for the point release
cpio Fix buffer overflow in rmt_read__
dia2code Fix segfault parsing large files
gtk+2.0 Fix hang when printing large documents
libapache-dbi-perl Fix loading of module from Apache startup files
libapache2-mod-perl2 Fix XSS in Apache2::Status
libjavascript-perl Fix segfault when calling non-existent function
libjson-ruby Fix parser DoS and use libjs-prototype rather than embedding the library
liblog-handler-perl Add missing dependency on libuniversal-require-perl
libmediawiki-perl Update to match mediawiki changes
libnamespace-clean-perl Add missing dependency on libscope-guard-perl
libnet-smtp-server-perl Add missing dependency on libnet-dns-perl
libxext Ensure display lock is held before calling XAllocID
linux-2.6 Several fixes and driver updates
mailman Don't add multiple Mime-Version headers
mpg123 Allow modules to be located again (broken by libltdl security fix)
nano Fix symlink attack and arbitrary file ownership change issue
nfs-utils Update test for NFS kernel server support in init script to support partial upgrades
nut Move library to /lib to allow power-down with separated /usr
open-iscsi Fix temporary file vulnerability
openssl Check return value of bn_wexpand() (CVE-2009-3245)
openttd Fix several DoS and crash vulnerabilities
php5 Fix overflows, add missing sybase aliases, improve e-mail validation
poppler Fix remote code execution via crafted PDF files
postgresql-8.3 Several vulnerabilities
pyftpd Security fixes - disable default users, anonymous access and logging to /tmp
python-support Use sane default umask in update-python-modules
request-tracker3.6 Fix login problem introduced in security update
samba Fix memory leaks with domain trust passwords; fix interdomain trust with Windows 2008 r2 servers
slim Make magic cookie less predictable; don't save screenshots in /tmp
sun-java5 Update to new upstream release to fix security issues
sun-java6 Update to new upstream release to fix security issues
tar Security fix in rmt
texlive-bin Security fixes in dvips
tla Fix DoS in embedded expat library
tzdata Update timezone data
usbutils Update USB ID list
user-mode-linux Rebuild against linux-2.6 2.6.26-24
wordpress Fix DoS
xerces-c2 Fix DoS attack with nested DTDs
xmonad-contrib Fix installability on 64-bit architectures
xserver-xorg-input-elographics Prevent X server hangs when using the touchscreen
xserver-xorg-video-intel Add support for ASUS eeetop LVDS output

Note that due to problems with the package build process, updated sun-java5 and sun-java6 packages for the ia64 architecture are not included in this point release. These packages will be provided in proposed-updates as soon as they are available and included in a future point release.

Kernel Updates

The kernel images included in this point release incorporate a number of important and security-related fixes together with support for additional hardware.

On the amd64 and i386 architectures, support has been re-introduced for automatically running the lilo bootloader when a kernel image is added, updated or removed in order to ensure that this is correctly registered with the bootloader.

Debian Installer

The Debian Installer has been updated in this point release to correct an issue with the display of the "BIOS boot area" partitioner option when using GPT partitions and to update the list of available mirror servers for package installation.

The kernel image used by the installer has been updated to incorporate a number of important and security-related fixes together with support for additional hardware.

Security Updates

This revision adds the following security updates to the stable release. The Security Team has already released an advisory for each of these updates:

Advisory ID Package Correction(s)

DSA 1841 git-core Denial of service
DSA 1955 network-manager-applet Information disclosure
DSA 1973 glibc Information disclosure
DSA 1977 python2.4 Several vulnerabilities
DSA 1977 python2.5 Several vulnerabilities
DSA 1980 ircd-ratbox Arbitrary code execution
DSA 1981 maildrop Privilege escalation
DSA 1982 hybserv Denial of service
DSA 1983 wireshark Several vulnerabilities
DSA 1984 libxerces2-java Denial of service
DSA 1985 sendmail Insufficient input validation
DSA 1986 moodle Several vulnerabilities
DSA 1987 lighttpd Denial of service
DSA 1988 qt4-x11 Several vulnerabilities
DSA 1989 fuse Denial of service
DSA 1990 trac-git Code execution
DSA 1991 squid3 Denial of service
DSA 1992 chrony Denial of service
DSA 1993 otrs2 SQL injection
DSA 1994 ajaxterm Session hijacking
DSA 1995 openoffice.org Several vulnerabilities
DSA 1996 linux-2.6 Several vulnerabilities
DSA 1997 mysql-dfsg-5.0 Several vulnerabilities
DSA 1998 kdelibs Arbitrary code execution
DSA 1999 xulrunner Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2000 ffmpeg-debian Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2001 php5 Multiple vulnerabilities
DSA 2002 polipo Denial of service
DSA 2004 samba Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2006 sudo Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2007 cups Arbitrary code execution
DSA 2008 typo3-src Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2009 tdiary Cross-site scripting
DSA 2010 kvm Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2011 dpkg Path traversal
DSA 2012 user-mode-linux Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2012 linux-2.6 Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2013 egroupware Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2014 moin Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2015 drbd8 Privilege escalation
DSA 2015 linux-modules-extra-2.6 Privilege escalation
DSA 2016 drupal6 Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2017 pulseaudio Insecure temporary directory
DSA 2018 php5 Null pointer dereference
DSA 2019 pango1.0 Denial of service
DSA 2020 ikiwiki Cross-site scripting
DSA 2021 spamass-milter Missing input sanitization
DSA 2022 mediawiki Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2023 curl Arbitrary code execution
DSA 2024 moin Cross-site scripting
DSA 2025 icedove Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2026 netpbm-free Denial of service
DSA 2027 xulrunner Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2028 xpdf Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2029 imlib2 Arbitrary code execution
DSA 2030 mahara SQL injection
DSA 2031 krb5 Denial of service
DSA 2032 libpng Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2033 ejabberd Denial of service
DSA 2034 phpmyadmin Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2035 apache2 Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2036 jasper Denial of service
DSA 2037 kdebase Privilege escalation
DSA 2038 pidgin Denial of service
DSA 2039 cacti Missing input sanitising
DSA 2040 squidguard Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2041 mediawiki Cross-site request forgery
DSA 2042 iscsitarget Arbitrary code execution
DSA 2044 mplayer Arbitrary code execution
DSA 2045 libtheora Arbitrary code execution
DSA 2046 phpgroupware Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2047 aria2 Directory traversal
DSA 2048 dvipng Arbitrary code execution
DSA 2049 barnowl Arbitrary code execution
DSA 2050 postgresql-8.3 Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2052 krb5 Denial of service
DSA 2053 linux-2.6 Several issues
DSA 2054 bind9 Cache poisoning
DSA 2055 openoffice.org Arbitrary code execution
DSA 2056 zonecheck Cross-site scripting
DSA 2057 mysql-dfsg-5.0 Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2058 pcsc-lite Privilege escalation
DSA 2058 glibc Several vulnerabilities
DSA 2060 cacti SQL injection
DSA 2062 sudo Missing input sanitization
DSA 2063 pmount Denial of service

Removed packages

The following packages were removed due to circumstances beyond our control:

Package Reason

eclipse incompatible with stable's xulrunner; not easily fixable
eclipse-cdt depends on removed eclipse
eclipse-nls-sdk depends on removed eclipse


The complete list of packages that have changed with this revision:


The current stable distribution:


Proposed updates to the stable distribution:


Stable distribution information (release notes, errata etc.):


Security announcements and information:


About Debian

The Debian Project is an association of Free Software developers who volunteer their time and effort in order to produce the completely free operating systems Debian GNU/Linux.

Win global festival tickets with Trident’s Perpetual FestivalDSA-2046-1: New phpgroupware packages fix several vulnerabilities

5 Security Updates for Slackware Linux  

Posted by Daniela Mehler

The following 5 security updates are available for Slackware Linux:

- seamonkey (SSA:2010-176-03)
- bind (SSA:2010-176-01)
- mozilla-firefox (SSA:2010-176-02)
- mozilla-thunderbird (SSA:2010-176-04)
- cups (SSA:2010-176-05)

[slackware-security] seamonkey (SSA:2010-176-03)
New seamonkey packages are available for Slackware 12.2, 13.0, 13.1, and -current to fix security issues.

Here are the details from the Slackware 13.1 ChangeLog:
patches/packages/seamonkey-2.0.5-i486-1_slack13.1.txz: Upgraded.
This release fixes some more security vulnerabilities.
For more information, see:
(* Security fix *)
patches/packages/seamonkey-solibs-2.0.5-i486-1_slack13.1.txz: Upgraded.

Where to find the new packages:

HINT: Getting slow download speeds from ftp.slackware.com? Give slackware.osuosl.org a try. This is another primary FTP site for Slackware that can be considerably faster than downloading directly from ftp.slackware.com.

Thanks to the friendly folks at the OSU Open Source Lab (http://osuosl.org) for donating additional FTP and rsync hosting to the Slackware project! :-)

Also see the "Get Slack" section on http://slackware.com for additional mirror sites near you.

Updated package for Slackware 12.2:

Updated package for Slackware 13.0:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.0:

Updated package for Slackware 13.1:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.1:

Updated package for Slackware -current:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 -current:

MD5 signatures:

Slackware 12.2 package:
0056c22bc7ffbc6cedc56c20eae0f6f6 seamonkey-2.0.5-i486-1_slack12.2.tgz
c5f5e1edcc1ad319a778e261d14085f2 seamonkey-solibs-2.0.5-i486-1_slack12.2.tgz

Slackware 13.0 package:
fd24cb7c12a7b3d222891f9c225b4220 seamonkey-2.0.5-i486-1_slack13.0.txz
132f7cae7f26919ba14b09fc6f0771f2 seamonkey-solibs-2.0.5-i486-1_slack13.0.txz

Slackware x86_64 13.0 package:
4c2047cb0d628a88d8d2ceadf3d1fb34 seamonkey-2.0.5-x86_64-1_slack13.0.txz
e42053917b1d7eb9a10ae2fd81276667 seamonkey-solibs-2.0.5-x86_64-1_slack13.0.txz

Slackware 13.1 package:
5b433ebdcfde1135bc5e0ba62ee1af9e seamonkey-2.0.5-i486-1_slack13.1.txz
9c123bc1d423476039ab716461db5864 seamonkey-solibs-2.0.5-i486-1_slack13.1.txz

Slackware x86_64 13.1 package:
99423dcfa92024c5c25b756ab933e295 seamonkey-2.0.5-x86_64-1_slack13.1.txz
55c4a3bc8130930c40702eb2613f2b78 seamonkey-solibs-2.0.5-x86_64-1_slack13.1.txz

Slackware -current package:
d45bca55e9d28483f91e7b60bdcd6dc8 l/seamonkey-solibs-2.0.5-i486-1.txz
b41d488f770e49018f99aa5ff4de9bd8 xap/seamonkey-2.0.5-i486-1.txz

Slackware x86_64 -current package:
46f86ac5e2d74b839fab64daec15ec66 l/seamonkey-solibs-2.0.5-x86_64-1.txz
228168831bc89d40de75cbbc24188888 xap/seamonkey-2.0.5-x86_64-1.txz

Installation instructions:

Upgrade the packages as root:
# upgradepkg seamonkey-2.0.5-i486-1_slack13.1.txz
# upgradepkg seamonkey-solibs-2.0.5-i486-1_slack13.1.txz

[slackware-security] bind (SSA:2010-176-01)
New bind packages are available for Slackware 8.1, 9.0, 9.1, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 11.0, 12.0, 12.1, 12.2, 13.0, 13.1, and -current to fix security issues when DNSSEC is enabled (which is not the default setting).

Here are the details from the Slackware 13.1 ChangeLog:
patches/packages/bind-9.4.3_P5-i486-1_slack13.1.txz: Upgraded.
This fixes possible DNS cache poisoning attacks when DNSSEC is enabled
and checking is disabled (CD).
For more information, see:
(* Security fix *)

Where to find the new packages:

HINT: Getting slow download speeds from ftp.slackware.com? Give slackware.osuosl.org a try. This is another primary FTP site for Slackware that can be considerably faster than downloading directly from ftp.slackware.com.

Thanks to the friendly folks at the OSU Open Source Lab (http://osuosl.org) for donating additional FTP and rsync hosting to the Slackware project! :-)

Also see the "Get Slack" section on http://slackware.com for additional mirror sites near you.

Updated package for Slackware 8.1:

Updated package for Slackware 9.0:

Updated package for Slackware 9.1:

Updated package for Slackware 10.0:

Updated package for Slackware 10.1:

Updated package for Slackware 10.2:

Updated package for Slackware 11.0:

Updated package for Slackware 12.0:

Updated package for Slackware 12.1:

Updated package for Slackware 12.2:

Updated package for Slackware 13.0:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.0:

Updated package for Slackware 13.1:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.1:

Updated package for Slackware -current:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 -current:

MD5 signatures:

Slackware 8.1 package:
c78e8a6cde34015681063a3d1c40c6c1 bind-9.4.3_P5-i386-1_slack8.1.tgz

Slackware 9.0 package:
9fcb18dfc779ecc7f6d69171e398c620 bind-9.4.3_P5-i386-1_slack9.0.tgz

Slackware 9.1 package:
3eb9a4b1973b6a3a2f779a3038269a31 bind-9.4.3_P5-i486-1_slack9.1.tgz

Slackware 10.0 package:
7e11d017c1962f8ef92cfb1e9f39139b bind-9.4.3_P5-i486-1_slack10.0.tgz

Slackware 10.1 package:
4dddfb400d6d928e41c7aa4bf7339547 bind-9.4.3_P5-i486-1_slack10.1.tgz

Slackware 10.2 package:
fe87668c84020ebf28b46910df71bb07 bind-9.4.3_P5-i486-1_slack10.2.tgz

Slackware 11.0 package:
639efc6a35ccee727f0177089d241857 bind-9.4.3_P5-i486-1_slack11.0.tgz

Slackware 12.0 package:
195c3bd1898d5118fe5cedfe6131e83b bind-9.4.3_P5-i486-1_slack12.0.tgz

Slackware 12.1 package:
95fc95a77a99df46d35a578e069a965b bind-9.4.3_P5-i486-1_slack12.1.tgz

Slackware 12.2 package:
aa8bdaedd7b7f6f36ff22be779182ff9 bind-9.4.3_P5-i486-1_slack12.2.tgz

Slackware 13.0 package:
8d7ed3c0ae07a33aea7f506b25bec015 bind-9.4.3_P5-i486-1_slack13.0.txz

Slackware x86_64 13.0 package:
bb1f6aa2682743173135776e1ff0fadd bind-9.4.3_P5-x86_64-1_slack13.0.txz

Slackware 13.1 package:
c619cc02e89ba23a62dfb7726105e40e bind-9.4.3_P5-i486-1_slack13.1.txz

Slackware x86_64 13.1 package:
cb61186275370d1eddc62024725f5d05 bind-9.4.3_P5-x86_64-1_slack13.1.txz

Slackware -current package:
011ae9faeb16bf6e37ed9c8cbf8bb718 n/bind-9.7.1-i486-1.txz

Slackware x86_64 -current package:
e2d2e29b620581c725e68e75af7ba759 n/bind-9.7.1-x86_64-1.txz

Installation instructions:

Upgrade the package as root:
# upgradepkg bind-9.4.3_P5-i486-1_slack13.1.txz

Then, restart the name server:

# /etc/rc.d/rc.bind restart

[slackware-security] mozilla-firefox (SSA:2010-176-02)
New mozilla-firefox packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, and -current to fix security issues.

Here are the details from the Slackware 13.1 ChangeLog:
patches/packages/mozilla-firefox-3.6.4-i686-1.txz: Upgraded.
This fixes some security issues.
For more information, see:
(* Security fix *)

Where to find the new packages:

HINT: Getting slow download speeds from ftp.slackware.com? Give slackware.osuosl.org a try. This is another primary FTP site for Slackware that can be considerably faster than downloading directly from ftp.slackware.com.

Thanks to the friendly folks at the OSU Open Source Lab (http://osuosl.org) for donating additional FTP and rsync hosting to the Slackware project! :-)

Also see the "Get Slack" section on http://slackware.com for additional mirror sites near you.

Updated package for Slackware 13.0:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.0:

Updated package for Slackware 13.1:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.1:

Updated package for Slackware -current:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 -current:

MD5 signatures:

Slackware 13.0 package:
cbca3a5859da4f5284d35472f2a752b7 mozilla-firefox-3.6.4-i686-1.txz

Slackware x86_64 13.0 package:
7078cf27f8c5bc35f05a3a8e6798ed01 mozilla-firefox-3.6.4-x86_64-1_slack13.0.txz

Slackware 13.1 package:
cbca3a5859da4f5284d35472f2a752b7 mozilla-firefox-3.6.4-i686-1.txz

Slackware x86_64 13.1 package:
313323a25a7a170523ec58b1e35b55aa mozilla-firefox-3.6.4-x86_64-1_slack13.0.txz

Slackware -current package:
cbca3a5859da4f5284d35472f2a752b7 xap/mozilla-firefox-3.6.4-i686-1.txz

Slackware x86_64 -current package:
8a3b62d464cc628621a867f27f3c9817 xap/mozilla-firefox-3.6.4-x86_64-1.txz

Installation instructions:

Upgrade the package as root:
# upgradepkg mozilla-firefox-3.6.4-i686-1.txz

[slackware-security] mozilla-thunderbird (SSA:2010-176-04)
New mozilla-thunderbird packages are available for Slackware 13.1 and -current to fix security issues.

Here are the details from the Slackware 13.1 ChangeLog:
patches/packages/mozilla-thunderbird-3.0.5-i686-1.txz: Upgraded.
This upgrade fixes some more security bugs.
For more information, see:
(* Security fix *)

Where to find the new packages:

HINT: Getting slow download speeds from ftp.slackware.com? Give slackware.osuosl.org a try. This is another primary FTP site for Slackware that can be considerably faster than downloading directly from ftp.slackware.com.

Thanks to the friendly folks at the OSU Open Source Lab (http://osuosl.org) for donating additional FTP and rsync hosting to the Slackware project! :-)

Also see the "Get Slack" section on http://slackware.com for additional mirror sites near you.

Updated package for Slackware 13.1:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.1:

Updated package for Slackware -current:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 -current:

MD5 signatures:

Slackware 13.1 package:
d110266bdd1463f0e469246ab414b76a mozilla-thunderbird-3.0.5-i686-1.txz

Slackware x86_64 13.1 package:
ed712fac0fc58cebe7e4e4d389a8ef0a mozilla-thunderbird-3.0.5-x86_64-1.txz

Slackware -current package:
583a5912732515918c344f13108ea507 xap/mozilla-thunderbird-3.1-i686-1.txz

Slackware x86_64 -current package:
16958ec8ea0b7941065c8720bd23c556 xap/mozilla-thunderbird-3.1-x86_64-1.txz

Installation instructions:

Upgrade the package as root:
# upgradepkg mozilla-thunderbird-3.0.5-i686-1.txz

[slackware-security] cups (SSA:2010-176-05)
New cups packages are available for Slackware 13.1 and -current to fix security issues.

Here are the details from the Slackware 13.1 ChangeLog:
patches/packages/cups-1.4.4-i486-1_slack13.1.txz: Upgraded.
Fixed a memory allocation error in texttops.
Fixed a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) that could allow a remote
attacker to reconfigure or disable CUPS if a CUPS admin logged into the
web interface visited a specially-crafted website.
Fixed a bug where uninitialized memory from the cupsd process could
reveal sensitive information.
For more information, see:
(* Security fix *)

Where to find the new packages:

HINT: Getting slow download speeds from ftp.slackware.com? Give slackware.osuosl.org a try. This is another primary FTP site for Slackware that can be considerably faster than downloading directly from ftp.slackware.com.

Thanks to the friendly folks at the OSU Open Source Lab (http://osuosl.org) for donating additional FTP and rsync hosting to the Slackware project! :-)

Also see the "Get Slack" section on http://slackware.com for additional mirror sites near you.

Updated package for Slackware 13.1:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 13.1:

Updated package for Slackware -current:

Updated package for Slackware x86_64 -current:

MD5 signatures:

Slackware 13.1 package:
2828baed64ca4e479b91a961bedf99df cups-1.4.4-i486-1_slack13.1.txz

Slackware x86_64 13.1 package:
628ace74afcc27261b0a0f92c78a451b cups-1.4.4-x86_64-1_slack13.1.txz

Slackware -current package:
e9b20c637552192d3e72fe2c2ba1b4ca a/cups-1.4.4-i486-1.txz

Slackware x86_64 -current package:
d830972a63e5f0cb526f25ec812bb4ce a/cups-1.4.4-x86_64-1.txz

Installation instructions:

Upgrade the package as root:
# upgradepkg cups-1.4.4-i486-1_slack13.1.txz

Then, restart CUPS:
# sh /etc/rc.d/rc.cups restart

Slash dissapointed with current rock sceneCentOS-5.5 i386 and x86_64 released

CompatDB Updates 06/27/10  

Posted by Daniela Mehler

Here the latest updates of the CompatDB compatiblity lists. There are today 18 Windows updates, and 1 Linux update.


7-Zip 4.42 (X64) (Igor Pavlov)
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus (Avira)
DEKSI Network Administrator (DEK Software International)
Download Accelerator Plus (Speedbit)
EVEREST Free Edition 2.20 (Lavalys Consulting Group, Inc.)
IObit Security 360 (IObit)
IObit Security 360 Offline Database (Corel)
IObit SmartDefrag (IObit.com)
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Update (Kaspersky Lab)
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Malwarebytes)
Mz Vista Force (Michael Zacharias)
Nero- (Nero AG)
NVIDIA BIOS Editor (NiBiTor) (xtremetheme)
Realtek High Definition Audio for 2K/XP/03 (Realtek)
Symantec Trojan.Linkoptimizer Removal Tool (Symantec Corporation)
Vista Codec Package (Shark007)
Windows Installer CleanUp Utility (Microsoft Corp.)

Broadcom: NetLink/NetXtreme BCM57xx (Broadcom Corporation)


Netgear GA311 (Netgear)

Please contribute to the compatibility lists by submitting reports of your (in)compatible hardware/software to the database. The CompatDB compatibility lists are free and licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. For more information visit the CompatDB site .

To submit reports for Windows:
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Submit Windows hardware

To submit reports for Linux:
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To submit reports for Mac OS:
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CompatDB Updates 06/27/10

CentOS / Redhat Linux: Install OpenNTPD To Synchronize The Local ClockEminem reveals artwork for new album

CentOS / Redhat Linux: Install OpenNTPD To Synchronize The Local Clock  

Posted by Daniela Mehler

nixCraft posted a guide about installing OpenNTPD to synchronize the local clock on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora

OpenNTPD is a Unix system daemon implementing the Network Time Protocol to synchronize the local clock of a computer system with remote NTP servers. How do I install OpenNTPD under CentOS / RHEL / Fedora Linux instead of default NTPD client / server?

CentOS / Redhat Linux: Install OpenNTPD To Synchronize The Local Clock

Install OpenNTPD To Synchronize The Local Clock

RHSA-2010:0424-01 Important: kernel security and enhancement updateCarling gets festival season underway