O'Reilly Media has published a book on embedded system development. Elicia White's 328-page "Making Embedded Systems" ranges from embedded controllers and sensors to more advanced systems, provides the basics of good development practices, and a encourages a disciplined approach to programming in an environment where "inefficiency isn't tolerated," says the publisher.
The book covers everything from developing digital watches and door locks to smartphones and nuclear power systems, says the publisher. Highlights are said to include:
optimizing systems to reduce cost and increase performance developing a robust architecture for resource-constrained environments exploring sensors, motors, and other I/O devices reducing RAM consumption, code space, processor cycles, and power consumption updating embedded code directly in the processor implementing complex mathematics on small processors preparing for an embedded systems job interview Other selected highlights from the table of contents (see link farther below for full list) include: creating system diagrams your processor is a language having a debugging toolbox (and a fire extinguisher) separating the hardware from the action the input in I/O scheduling and operating system basics how not to use interrupts onboard bootloader designing and modifying algorithms understanding power consumption putting the processor to sleepStated White, "Embedded systems are where the software meets the physical world. Writing software for these things is more difficult than computer software because the systems have so few resources. Instead of building better software, the trend has been to allow a cowboy mentality of just getting it done. We can do better than that. We must do better than that."
O'Reilly Media's 328-page"Making Embedded Systems," by Elicia White, is available now. Pricing is $40, or $32 for the ebook version. More information may be found on O'Reilly's Making Embedded Systems web page .