In light of rising interest in Moblin, LinuxDevices has compiled a special feature on the project. It recounts the project's 18-month history, linking to dozens of related news articles. It also offers a quick survey of the project's Linux-Image-Creator tool, with a special focus on the graphical set-up wizard. and the Moblin open-source toolkit were launched in July 2007, targeting Linux-powered MIDs based on Intel processors. Initially based on Ubuntu, Moblin has grown to embrace Fedora Linux as well (nice, since Fedora aims to exclude all non-free software, to ensure that custom distro's based on Fedora can always be legally redistributed). And, Moblin's focus has expanded to include Linux netbooks, certainly a fast-growing sector of the personal computing market.
So, whether you're interested in creating a custom Linux netbook image for mobile enterprise users, porting your mobile application to Atom-based MIDs, or just have a netbook and an urge to tinker, find out more about Moblin's rapidly expanding universe in our "HOT TOPIC: Moblin" feature. Then, visit, download the Image Creation tools, and take it for a spin yourself.
Click below to read the feature:
Lil’ Kim Sued and Silenced
(E! Online)
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